Oficiul Național de Prevenire și Combatere a Spălării Banilor - FIU RO

Obligations of the reporting entities

Obligations of the reporting entities

International sanctions

International sanctions

Combating terrorist financing

Combating terrorist financing








Security Council Updates Sanctions Regime on Libya, Extends Mandate until May 2026, Adopting Resolution 2769 (2025) with 14 Members in Favour, 1 Abstaining

Security Council Extends Measures against Illicit Petroleum Exports from Libya, Panel of Experts’ Mandate, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2701 (2023)

SC/15517 7 December 2023 Security Council 1970 Committee concerning Libya Issues Implementation Assistance Notice

SC/15508 29 November 2023 Security Council 1970 Sanctions Committee Amends Five Entries on Its Sanctions List


Acte normative in limba engleza


European Union

Acordare a unei exceptii umanitare (in limba engleza)




COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2024/2012 of 22 July 2024 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2024/756 of 26 February 2024 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2023/2503 of 9 November 2023 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya 

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2023/2499 of 9 November 2023 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya 

Decision 2543-2022, Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2022/1315 of 26 July 2022 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/1308 of 26 July 2022 implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2022/189 of 10 February 2022 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2021/2198 of 13 December 2021 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2021/1942 of 9 November 2021 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2021/1910 of 4 November 2021 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2021/1277 of 30 July 2021 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Lebanon
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2021/1014 of 21 June 2021 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2021/667 of 23 April 2021 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2020/1137 of 30 July 2020 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2020/458 of 27 March 2020 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2020/374 of 5 March 2020 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2019/1663 of 1 October 2019 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2019/539 of 1 April 2019 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2018/2012 of 17 December 2018 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/1868 of 28 November 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/1290 of 24 September 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/1250 of 18 September 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/872 of 14 June 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2018/476 of 21 March 2018 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/203 of 9 February 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/167 of 2 February 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2018/132 of 25 January 2018 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2017/1976 of 30 October 2017 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2017/1776 of 28 September 2017 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2017/1458 of 10 August 2017 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2017/1338 of 17 July 2017 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2017/621 of 31 March 2017 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION (CFSP) 2017/497 of 21 March 2017 implementing Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2016/1755 of 30 September 2016 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2015/1333 of 31 July 2015 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya, and repealing Decision 2011/137/CFSP (consolidated by 05.08.2016)





COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2024/2011 of 22 July 2024 implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2024/757 of 26 February 2024 implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya 

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2023/2504 of 9 November 2023 implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya 

COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2023/2501 of 9 November 2023 implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya 

Regulation 2525-2022, Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/183 of 10 February 2022 implementing Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/2192 of 13 December 2021 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/1932 of 9 November 2021 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/1909 of 4 November 2021 implementing Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2021/1275 of 30 July 2021 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Lebanon
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2021/1005 of 21 June 2021 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2021/667 of 23 April 2021 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2021/538 of 26 March 2021 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2020/1130 of 30 July 2020 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2020/371 of 5 March 2020 implementing Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2018/2004 of 17 December 2018 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/1863 of 28 November 2018 implementing Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/1285 of 24 September 2018 implementing Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/1245 of 18 September 2018 implementing Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/870 of 14 June 2018 implementing Article 21(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/200 of 9 February 2018 amending Council Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/166 of 2 February 2018 amending Council Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/126 of 24 January 2018 amending Council Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2017/1974 of 30 October 2017 amending Council Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2017/1456 of 10 August 2017 amending Council Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2017/1325 of 17 July 2017 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2017/489 of 21 March 2017 implementing Article 21(5) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2017/488 of 21 March 2017 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2016/1752 of 30 September 2016 implementing Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/44 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2016/44 of 18 January 2016 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya and repealing Regulation (EU) No 204/2011 (consolidated by 25.05.2016)
COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) no. 1993/3275 of November 1993 prohibiting the satisfying of claims with regard to contracts and transactions the performance of which was affected by the United Nations Security Council Resolution (1993) 883 and related resolutions
COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) no 2004/1786 of 14 October 2004 repealing Regulation (EC) no 1993/3274 preventing the supply of certain goods and services to Libya


Other legislation


COUNCIL COMMON POSITION 2004/698/CFSP of 14 November 2004 concerning the lifting of restrictive measures against Libya